My Bo... MY BO...
Time Slime  Cover Image
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Time Slime

Jim Eads

April 2003 0-9702176-3-3

Sammy and his friends, Ollie and Burgy, like snooping around Mrs. Armbrose's decrepit old barn. They disobey her and wander deep down into an abandoned root cellar. Nothing looks unusual until Sammy discovers what looks like a jar of preserves. It's not until he tastes its lime-green contents that he is plunged into the near past and begins a terrifying adventure of time travel. But with each time trip, he also disrupts the delicate balance of time and space to set up the destruction of the universe!

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Mr. Eads likes to keep young people on the edge of their seats with his suspenseful tales. At his office keyboard, he spins stories of adventure and intrigue with an element of science fiction. From his Nebraska base, he is currently working on another chilling adventure.